Workshop Milestones

Session 1: Introduction to Speculative Writing, Personal Archives and Assemblage Art.

  • Seeds: Each person will develop a fundamental understanding of speculative writing, and haiku as a tool for imagining new poetic narratives and possibilities with their personal stories.
  • Roots: By the end of this session, everyone will have written speculative pieces inspired by their experiences or personal archives. They will also grasp the basics of assemblage art, in preparation to combining disparate materials and speculative narratives.

Session 2: Body Mapping and Personal Archive Engagement

  • Seeds: Each person will begin exploring their own personal stories, learning to "map" their bodies in connection to emotional and physical experiences held in their, and each other's archives.
  • Roots: By the end of this session, everyone will have created a body map that illustrates their personal narrative using symbols, colours, sound, smells or key moments that resonate deeply with them. They will also experiment with assembling archives and fragments of experiences into early stages of an art piece.

Session 3: Collaborative Art Making in Assemblage (In-Person, Morning)

  • Seeds: Each person will engage in hands-on collaborative art-making, using their speculative writing, body maps, and personal archives to inform the construction of assemblage sculptures.
  • Roots: During the morning session, everyone will have started creating an assemblage piece, combining personal materials with shared elements from the group. They will practice integrating their body maps and writing into the physical artwork.

Session 3: Final Assemblage Creation and Embodied Performance (In-Person, Afternoon)

  • Seeds: Each person will complete a final assemblage artwork and incorporate elements of performance to embody their personal stories and transformations.
  • Roots: By the end of the workshop, each person will have completed their individual or collaborative assemblage pieces. They will also engage in a improvised performance exercise that integrates butoh-style movement, and haiku poetry, bringing their artwork and speculative writing to life through embodied practice. 
Joyce Treasure
Multidisciplinary Artist
All Rights Reserved
Joyce Treasure © 2020