
AP Does Bread and Roses

In celebration of the Bread and Roses Award and to mark their collaboration with the London Radical Bookfair, they have invited 21 small press artists to respond to the books in year’s shortlist.

Stitched Up

Stitched Up: ink, graphite, postage stamps, collaged German gothic dictionary text relates to the slave trade, royalty, and textiles. The artwork sat alongside work by Amneet Johal whose piece responded to Bengal Famine’s links to Rana Plaza tragedy. Both artefacts working in collaboration with Tansy Hoskins, author of Stitched Up.

In celebration of the Bread and Roses Award and to mark their collaboration with the London Radical Bookfair, Bread and Roses invited 21 small press artists to respond to the books in this year’s shortlist.
An award like no other; presented by the Alliance of Radical Sellers, The Bread and Roses Award for Radical Publishing champions the best political non-fiction titles published each year – books that are often passed over by other book prizes because of their radical content.
Inspired by the whole book, a paragraph, the title, or even a summary/review found on the www., the responsive artworks was displayed in a dedicated exhibition at Takeover 2015 on 9th May. The exhibition was a visual dialogue between artwork and publication – with three different artists responding to each of the seven shortlisted books.
The Bread and Roses Book Award Ceremony took place at Takeover 2015 and was supported not only by the exhibition but also by the shortlisted author talks throughout the day.

9 May, 2014
Joyce Treasure
Multidisciplinary Artist
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